Inventur – a magazine about a historic building


Concept, Editorial, Buchbindung


semester project @ FH Vorarlberg



“Inventory”: the list of goods and materials that a business holds

A magazine about the history of a building

The “Gohm”-house is a building in Feldkirch’s historic center that has a lot of history. The Gohm family founded a company in 1834 and the house was both their home as well as their office, factory and shop.

A montage of fact and fiction

Inventory (“Inventur” in german) is the list of goods and materials that a business holds. In my magazine, too, everything that was found in the research phase for the house was integrated in a montage-like manner. The original building plans and newspaper clippings are lined up next to the self-written (and thus fictional) short stories. Each text is printed on a specific type of paper – a total of 6 different types of paper are used – which support the fragmented, montage-like character.

The mixing of fact and fiction, while keeping the two clearly separated at all times, allows to tell an interesting story without losing sight of reality.

Different colours and formats

From the founding of the shop in 1834 until it was taken over by Heide Albert in 1983, there were four shop owners, who are represented in the magazine by four different colours. With every change of the business owner, the store also underwent a change in the form of a renovation or rebuilding – so the magazine also changes its format. 

Love for chemistry

All owners were not only politically active, but also shared a passion for chemistry. By analogy, newspaper clippings were transferred to newsprint using a chemical process, the transfer with acetone. 


The different formats and types of paper were challenging in terms of layout, printing and binding. I created small paper dummies, so I could test at what point which type of paper would come back and thus plan and set the contents. The final product was bound by hand in an open thread binding.

drawn initials used for the chapter pages