Semester project @ FH Vorarlberg
The more data exists about a person, the more unrecognizable and anonymous he or she becomes.
Fictional concept for “Conrad Sohm Kultursommer”
The task “” was primarily to critically reflect on the use of personal data on the Internet (and therefore alludes in the title to the social network facebook).
The data for the project was to be collected from concert visitors at the Conrad Sohm: among other things, 3D data of the face and the audio recording of the concert currently taking place over the duration of a few pulse beats.
sound.faces aims to reverse the use of personal data: the more data there is about you, the more unrecognizable and anonymous you become.
By analyzing the audio recording, the 3D scan is distorted and further rendered unrecognizable based on this data, making it impossible to identify the person.
Your Sound.Face
Right after the data has been recorded, a Polaroid print of the face is obtained with a time code and an ID, which serves as a name substitute for recognition in the system. This Polaroid-Print is also the ticket to the corresponding exhibition, where all faces are printed out again by another Polaroid-Printer. Although it is impossible to recognize anyone in this Polaroid pile, you can guess who and how many visitors were at the same concert as you, through the color codes. Thus, despite everything, a feeling of belonging emerges, comparable to the “suggested friends” of Facebook.